From: plamarr@[REDACTED]
To: mhood@[REDACTED]
Subject: The Penguin Hotel
Hood -
I keep running into a very specific dead end on the McCarthy case and I was wondering if you knew anything about this.
The Penguin Hotel, where McCarthy was last seen before her disappearance, is definitely a Hotspot; I could pick up on the vibes even without advanced cognition. I’m inclined to believe it’s a manmade Hotspot, rather than a natural one, seeing as how no activity was reported in this area before the Penguin was built. So I looked into who built the place, to see if I could trace the activity to its source.
Here’s the problem. The paper trail was no help at all. Anything I could find resembling an article of incorporation directed me to another document, which directed me to another document, and on and on and on – until I was sent back to where I started. It’s an endless bureaucratic loop, and it feels intentional.
Whoever built the Penguin doesn’t want to be found, which raises all sorts of alarm bells. I figured I’d check with you before taking this to Collins, though, just in case you’ve encountered this sort of thing in the field before. I know you looked into that whole Cerulean Shores situation. Sure, it’s a different hotel, a different Hotspot, but you know how these things can be connected.

Preston Lamarr
Field Agent, Special Cases Division
Federal Bureau of Investigations