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WRITTEN BY: Dr. Hank Lariset



It’s hard to conduct research when the only “evidence” we’ve got is hearsay, so this report is going to resemble speculation more than concrete reasoning. It’s the best we can do until SA-016 is back in our custody. That said, here are the facts we can deduce from the “Weird Brothers” investigation into Wickham Home:


  1. At some point, SA-016 ended up in the possession of Emily Wickham.

  2. Emily discovered the conduit’s effect on human skin and began using it on the boys in her care.

  3. The affected boys eventually became conduits for Dimension DSA-2 before succumbing to their wounds.

  4. SA-016 remained in the abandoned school after Wickham Home was closed.

  5. Throughout the decades, SA-016 would spontaneously “act up” and create displays of light and sound that drew the attention of amateur investigators. Note: This is a newly observed effect that Conduit SA-016 never displayed during its time at RC.

  6. When viewed up close, SA-016’s new effects appear to show Emily Wickham’s torture sessions as a kind of echoic residue.

  7. Sometime between the “Weird Brothers” investigation and our retrieval team’s incursion into Wickham Home, SA-016 was removed by an unknown third party.


My thoughts:


  • SA-016 was one of the conduits stolen during the SA-008 incident; it’s likely that Operative Chaudhary took SA-016 back to the 1920s, after which Emily Wickham somehow acquired it. However, this contradicts our previous understanding of the properties of SA-008, since it shouldn’t be possible for the Operative to have traveled further back than August 2nd, 1978 (Chaudhary’s birth date).

  • The echo residue observed by Sanford and Johnson indicates a previously unseen effect in SA-016. Theory: transporting conduits through time using SA-008 results in new effects on top of the conduits’ pre-existing effects. If so, this makes identifying the stolen conduits much more difficult, as we can’t rely on our previous data.

  • Dimension DSA-2 remains a volatile source of dimensional energy, if Emily Wickham’s “rituals” are any indication, which reinforces RC’s decision to suspend augmentation trials using this energy.

  • Emily Wickham carried out her torture in the belief that she was combating a “hellgate” in the basement of Wickham Home. One might hypothesize that Emily mistook a naturally formed dimensional rift for this “hellgate”; however, the retrieval team didn’t spot any evidence that such a rift currently resides in Wickham Home (or ever has). Theory: Emily suffered from severe psychosis, which manifested in her extreme religious fantasies.


The biggest gap here, for me, is what happened to SA-016 after 2009 (see Point 7 above). It’s entirely possible a random investigator to the site happened to find the conduit and took it with them, unaware of its true nature. Possible, yes, but I find it unlikely. Conduits don’t appear to be anything special unless you know what you’re looking for. Which means there’s another party out there searching for the stolen conduits from the SA-008 incident (and potentially other conduits RC has yet to identify). 


It stands to reason that we’re not the only ones studying dimensional energies and paranormal phenomena, but I’ll be honest, the thought of some other party snatching up these lost conduits right under our noses worries me. Who knows how many they’ve acquired by now? And what if their intentions don’t align with ours?


I know this is a research report, but I advise caution and diligence moving forward. Let’s keep an eye on these “Weird Brothers” as well. I don’t know where they came from, but their intel could be useful to us.


– H. Lariset

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